Last week we invited students from St Joseph’s School to attend a science day at S6C. We absolutely loved giving them a taste of what a STEM lesson may be like if they came to study with us and looking at their feedback they thoroughly enjoyed the day as well. In the Biology session, the students looked at how caffeine affects the heart rate of Daphnia, a tiny planktonic crustacean. In Physics, Steve Barrington discussed centripetal force and demonstrated how it can be used to make a vacuum cleaner (with varying success). In an Environmental Science session, owl pellets were dissected and the contents identified and even the most squeamish students got involved. The Chemistry session went with a bang, literally, when the students created a methane rocket.
“Fun practical sessions” “I liked all the practicals done today! Everyone was so nice!” “Liked chemistry – explosion cool” “I liked the teachers interaction with us” “Liked biology – cool little creatures and their affect when having caffeine” “I liked everything and it taught me more about the A-levels I am going to be doing.” “Best part of the day was definitely when the bottle flew across the room” “The teachers and staff were really friendly and the activities and practicals were fun.” “Environmental science was the best as we searched for bones in owl pellets.”
Thank you to the teachers and students at St Joseph’s for coming to visit us – we hope the day has inspired you all to come and learn more.

Our students have been working really hard in their vocational exams. Well done to everyone and don’t forget your teachers and tutors are always there for you if you need any support.
In the Year 13 assembly last week we stressed the importance of early preparation for the summer exams. The phrase ‘Don’t wish for it – work for it’ was offered as the mantra for students to follow and all staff will be encouraging and supporting students to work really hard for the grades they want to achieve.
We’re extremely excited to be hosting once again the Salisbury Apprenticeships Fair. This is the second time we have collaborated with The Salisbury Education & Business Partnership on this event and it is a brilliant opportunity for our students to network with local employers. This year, sessions for parents and carers have also been made available at 4.30pm and 5.30pm and these have proved incredibly popular. Please click on the link to reserve your place: Apprenticeships In Salisbury.
The Apprenticeships Fair kicks off National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) which takes place between 5 to 11 February and is an opportunity for the education and skills sector to celebrate the achievements of apprentices around the country and the positive impact they make to communities, businesses, and the wider economy. The theme is ‘Skills For Life’ and S6C will be busy promoting apprenticeships and ‘skills for life’ during the week. To find out more about apprenticeships, visit:
And finally, the deadline for applications for 2024 entry is Wednesday 31 January. If you or anyone you know is thinking of applying, there is just one week to go!
Rebecca Anderson – Pastoral Lead
University and Apprenticeships
– This is the absolute final call for UCAS applications if students want a chance of meeting the external deadline at the end of January. Our internal deadline was 8th Dec but we do try to give any latecomers the best possible chance of turning their plans into action;
– Any student needing to do an interview for apprenticeship, employment or university can come and see Rebecca to arrange some guidance and practice;
– Any student needing advice on volunteering, work experience, or wider engagement, to prepare for strong applications, should talk to their teachers, tutor or Rebecca as soon as they know what area they may be interested in;
– Year 13 had a talk from an apprenticeship expert, Mike from ASK, last week – who gave an excellent presentation on how to search and secure apprenticeships at various levels – including making a successful application and producing a targeted CV. We offer a full support service for those applying for apprenticeships, but it has to be responsive to the job market, so there are no set dates for the different stages. This means that students need to show a high level of initiative and independence, but we are here to help and we expect to be involved – we can help search, check applications, and prepare for interviews.
Life Skills
Last week in Life Skills, tutors and students looked at some potentially life saving resources, making sure that everyone knows the signs and symptoms of meningitis and sepsis. These links are well worth a look:
Meningitis Symptoms in Adults
Sepsis Symptoms
This is part of the next stage in the Year 12 Life Skills Pathway; Community and Values. Year 13 are now Looking Ahead to skills they will need as they move beyond college, they are doing a series on finance, using resources from Barclays Bank.
Polly Wiggins, our external careers advisor, is available next week and students wanting to book an appointment should message Rachel Cooke.
Wednesday 31 January
Applications close for September 2024 entry
S6C Football Academy v. Plymouth Argyle (away)
Thursday 01 February
Year 12 cause for concern parents evening
Monday 05 February
National Apprenticeship Week
Tuesday 06 February
Interview evening
Wednesday 07 February
S6C Football Academy v. Newport County (home @ Ringwood Football Club)
Friday 09 February
Term ends
Monday 12 February
Half term
Monday 19 February
Term begins
Wednesday 21 February
S6C Football Academy v. Swindon Town (away)
Monday 26 February
Year 13 DC7 Mocks Assessments TIMETABLE
Tuesday 27 February
Year 13 DC7 Mocks Assessments TIMETABLE
Wednesday 28 February
Year 13 DC7 Mocks Assessments TIMETABLE
Tuesday 05 March
Year 13 DC7 Mocks Assessments TIMETABLE
Wednesday 06 March
Year 13 DC7 Mocks Assessments TIMETABLE
Interview evening
Wednesday 13 March
S6C Football Academy v. Cheltenham Town (home @ Ringwood Football Club)
Monday 18 March
Year 12 DC4 assessment week
Wednesday 20 March
S6C Football Academy v. Bristol Rovers (home @ Ringwood Football Club)
Wednesday 27 March
Interview evening
S6C Football Academy v. Bristol Rovers (away)
Thursday 28 March
Terms ends
Friday 29 March
Easter break
Monday 15 April
Term begins
Year 13 DC9 assessment week
Thursday 18 April
UCAS Discovery Fair
Monday 22 April
Summer exam season begins
Wednesday 24 April
S6C Football Academy v. Plymouth Argyle (home @ Ringwood Football Club)
Community and Education Football Alliance League