Attendance to the S6C college programme is the most important aspect of education and crucial for getting the highest grades. If students are not present in classes, they cannot learn.
The college programme includes subject lessons, independent study, tutor sessions, clubs and
societies and occasional full day development and progress events.
Students will need to attend all timetabled lessons including tutor. They will need to study outside of lessons and complete at least 4.5 hours of directed independent study per subject, per week to achieve their target grades.
The college day is 9am until 4pm and students should be available during these times. They are
free to leave site during non contact periods, break and lunch, but should use their time wisely.
If attendance or academic concerns arise, the college can remove this privilege and students will need to attend during the hours of 9am and 4pm to catch up where required.
Attendance is split into four categories as shown. This information is also displayed in all classrooms and key areas around the college. Students should be aware of their attendance and where they sit on this chart. If students are experiencing any barriers to attendance, then this can be discussed as early as possible with the S6C Attendance Officer, so concerns can be broken down and support put in place.
Where barriers appear and they are not resolved, a five stage process will be used:
• Below 97%: Chat message sent to student
• Below 95%: Meeting with student and attendance officer
• Below 90%: Attendance meeting with parents, attendance officer and attendance lead from
the senior leadership team
• Ongoing concerns: Attendance Review Meeting
– Formal notice to improve and parental meeting
• No improvement: Attendance Review Meeting
– Formal notice of withdrawal from college
This process complies with the Department for Education mandatory changes to attendance from August 2024.