Friday 22nd January
It’s been a really busy week of learning at S6C and we have been so impressed with the efforts of the students and the staff.
I would like to thank both parents and carers, and students for their responses sent in already to our remote learning survey. We have received 60 parental responses already and the vast majority of students are having a successful learning experience. It is wonderful to read the positive feedback and once the survey is closed on Tuesday we will share with the staff. I know it will be uplifting for them to hear the difference they are making.
A small number of concerns have been raised regarding IT needs, pastoral support or delivery style. These have already been noted and the team will work quickly to resolve these and help improve the experience we want for all our young people.
If you have not already completed the survey, please do let us know how well we are doing, and how we can help so that we can try and improve the learning experience.
Parent Survey January 2021
Student Survey January 2021
Wishing you all a restful weekend,
COVID Vaccination Volunteers Support Mass Testing – Jo Mason, Teacher of Health and Social Care
The Salisbury Medical Practice contacted S6C to ask for student volunteers to help on Saturday 16th January with the Covid vaccination process. This was a very exciting opportunity for our students, particularly those who intend to progress in careers within Health and Social Care.
There were limited places so it was a race to see how quickly the students could confirm that they would be able to commit their time. Nina Dyson, Assica Thapa, Megan Wilde, Sukriti Gurung, Mere Makasiale and Ashleigh Cutler jumped at the opportunity. Following a training day at Salisbury Cathedral the students met with the organisers on Saturday morning to begin assisting with the vaccination process.
Sky news broadcast of vaccinations in Salisbury
Our students had an amazing experience- which they have shared here – S6C Covid-19 Information
Lateral Flow Testing has started at S6C with students and staff. Here is a short video of the testing process with Craig Chambers, Assistant Principal having his twice weekly test and Lisa Rodway our Science Technician carrying out the process.
Lateral Flow Testing at S6C
Enrichment – Luke Muchmore, Teacher of Sport Studies and Clubs and Societies lead
S6C continue to offer a range of Clubs and Societies to all students each week. Are you aware that we are focusing a number on wellbeing? We have Yoga with Hanna, Creative with Rebecca, and Online baking with Sally. As these are running online, there are not limited spaces and we encourage students to participate, have fun and learn some new skills. Contact Luke for further details.
All sports students are partaking in a weekly fitness challenge – 100 burpees last week, circuit training this week and 5km run next week – the results of the winners can be found on the S6C Sport Instagram Sport@S6C. For the Duke of Edinburgh, activities are still going ahead with some of the sections such as skills (cooking, guitar) and physical (running, personal fitness).
Life Skills – Rebecca Anderson, Pastoral Lead
This week in Life Skills we shared some important careers notices with Year 12 and 13 and would really appreciate parents/carers taking a look at the information so you can support your young person. Year 12 had a few tasks regarding Thinking about Next Steps – and most importantly, a link to a virtual University and Apprenticeships Fair next Wednesday.
Students need to register and we expect everyone to attend. Parents can register separately if they wish. Year 13 had notices about Current Info on Finding Apprenticeships, and, Accepting Uni Offers, Student Finance, Accommodation etc, and a reminder that it isn’t too late to apply. Again, please do take a look. All the links you need are in the presentation.
Life Skills 20th January Presentation
Supporting Student resources – Sally Tye, Faculty Lead for Humanities.
It is important to us that we continue to support all students regardless of circumstances. There are a number of students that have been given the option to come into college to the Hub. However beyond this, if financial situations have changed and students require new or additional equipment please get in touch with subject teachers. This may include copies of textbooks, books for further reading and coursework (their NEA), calculators and art equipment. We can arrange COVID secure collection. Similarly, if you need help with wifi pressures at home we can allocate SIM cards to students in need to provide additional data. If you are struggling for any reason please let our subject teachers, tutors or Rebecca Anderson know and we will do our best to support you.
Work Experience for Year 12s – Rosie Roberts, Student Liaison and Publicity Officer
All students are tasked with sourcing and participating in the equivalent of three day’s Meaning Employer Engagement (otherwise known as work experience) before the end of the Autumn term of their second year. This will allow evidence of experience of work in an area relevant to a students career aspirations or, if they are undecided on their career goal.
We will support students to source work experience placement by sharing all the placements in the Student Information Classroom. If they would like work experience in a particular sector that they cannot find in any of these links listed here or in the Information Classroom then please contact Rosemarie Roberts and we will help search online for other opportunities. January updates of opportunities can be found here