06 September 2024
Welcome to the S6C 2024 Autumn Term. For those of you who are new to S6C, we hope that this communication provides all the information you need about matters of importance and forthcoming events. If there is anything you would like to see in this update, please do let us know, we love to hear from our students and parents. This year, Head of College Ben Hillier would really like to engage more with parents, so please feel free to email him directly with any questions at bhillier@s6c.mlp.college.
We have started the term with the incredible news that in their summer exams, more S6C students than ever before have gained straight A grades in A-levels and straight Distinction* in BTECs. We are so proud of these excellent results and of all of our students for their hard work. Our most recent alumni have gone on to a wide range of destinations including 11 Russell Group Universities, apprenticeships with the RAF and in dentistry and full time employment in law and medicine.
Despite the rain, the college has been buzzing with energy and enthusiasm and it is fantastic to be back, especially since staff have reported that our Year 12 intake have started with an excellent attitude. We are delighted to report that S6C now has more students than ever in its history and we have made sure to appoint additional staff to ensure we can continue to maintain our excellent standards.
Don’t forget to register with ParentMail, the service we use to communicate with parents. You will hopefully have been sent an email and/or text message from ParentMail. Just follow the instructions in the message and once you have registered you can download the free ParentMail App for the best user experience. If you need any additional information or assistance, please visit the help site: www.parentmail.co.uk/help/parenthelp/ or if you have not received any contact from ParentMail please contact office@s6c.mlp.college.
This week, trials took place for our sport academies. Participants are encouraged to maintain high levels of personal development and professional standards and a place on the team is only guaranteed when a student’s academic work is up to date. We are looking forward to seeing whether our teams can improve on what was a very impressive inaugural year.
And finally, in the S6C Summer Page Challenge our staff read over 23,316 pages of fiction and non-fiction! This is an impressive statistic and the challenge, championed by Emma McAndrew, has highlighted the importance of reading for pleasure for both educational purposes as well as personal development. Here are some of their recommendations…

Monday 16 September
Academic Writing Workshop
Wednesday 18 – Thursday 19 September
Geography Fieldwork
Tuesday 24 September
English Trip to Law Courts
Photography Trip to Lacock Abbey
Monday 30 September
Biology Field Trip to Kimmeridge
Tuesday 01 October
Applications Open
Monday 21 October – Friday 01 November
Half Term
Monday 04 November
Term Begins
Wednesday 06 November
English Trip to see Blood Brothers
Tuesday 26 November
English Trip to British Library
Friday 13 December
Brain Day
Friday 20 December
Term Ends
Monday 23 December 2024 – Friday 03 January 2025
Christmas Break
Monday 06 January
Staff Training Day
Tuesday 07 January
Term Begins
Wednesday 22 January
Apprenticeships Fair hosted by S6C
Friday 31 January
Applications Close
Wednesday 12 February
RS Debate Day
Monday 17 February – Friday 21 February
Half Term
Monday 24 February
Term Begins
Wednesday 05 March
World Book Day
Wednesday 02 – Sunday 06 April
Football Trip to Inter Milan
Friday 04 April
Term Ends
Monday 07 April – Monday 21 April
Easter Break
Tuesday 22 April
Term Begins
Monday 05 May
Bank Holiday
Monday 26 May – Friday 30 May
Half Term
Monday 02 June
Term Begins
Monday 30 June
Staff Training Day
Wednesday 16 July
Term Ends
Thursday 17 July – Friday 29 August
Summer Break