Pastoral Support

Tutor and Pastoral Leadfp_s6c_student_01

Every student is allocated a tutor and this will be their first point of pastoral contact. Tutor meetings are fortnightly, for one hour, but tutors will also have 1:1 contact meetings with their tutees. The Pastoral Lead advises and supports tutors, and can meet with students, arrange further support, or make referrals.

Pastoral Interventions

Tutors, Subject Teachers and the Pastoral Lead can all arrange pastoral interventions for students. This can range from a chat to a member of staff, or weekly mentoring sessions with The Bridge, to referrals to external agencies: S6C Wellbeing Intervention Map

More details can be found in this document which is displayed around college: Safe at S6C

Safe Spaces in College

Every space in college should be a safe one.  Everyone should feel comfortable and accepted at S6C. We take bullying very seriously.

In addition to our Study Centre, study tables in the foyer, social and study tables and booths in the cafe, and break out areas of low seating we also have some designated quieter spaces for those needing to take a moment.

Quiet Room

Access to this quiet study space is arranged via our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) and may be useful for a range of educational or mental health support needs.

Meeting Rooms

We have a range of small meeting rooms where students can meet with external agencies.

 Reflection Room

Our newly launched Reflection Room is a quiet space for students and staff. Comfortable seating, birdsong and wave lighting, picture books from faith and cultural traditions, mindfulness colouring, and a range of contemplative objects. There is a space available for daily prayer. Students are encouraged to let us know of anything we can do to support their faith or reflection needs in this space.